
Industrial and agricultural ammonia point sources exposed

A high-resolution map (~1km²) of the global atmospheric distribution of ammonia was generated combining almost a decade of IASI measurements (Van Damme et al., 2018). From it, they identify, categorize and quantify over 200 hotspots that could be traced back to either a single or a cluster of agricultural and industrial point sources. One natural […]


First quantification of the photochemical production of lowermost tropospheric ozone from satellite observations

The photochemical production of lowermost tropospheric ozone (located below 3 km of altitude) was quantified for the first time only using satellite data (Cuesta et al., 2018). This is the first daily quantification made so close to the surface, and therefore being directly related to air quality. These results were obtained with the only satellite […]


Decrease in tropospheric O3 levels of the Northern Hemisphere

Wespes et al. (2018) present the global fingerprints of recent changes in the tropospheric O3 levels measured by IASI over 2008 – 2017. Using appropriate multivariate regression methods, we discriminate significant anthropogenic trends from various modes of natural variability captured by IASI. A band-like pattern of significant negative trends of ~|0.5| DU/yr on average is […]


O3 variability in the troposphere as observed by IASI

A study by Wespes et al. (2017) presents global patterns of the main geophysical drivers of IASI O3 variations, obtained by applying appropriate annual and seasonal multivariate regression models on time series of spatially gridded averaged O3. They show that the models are able to explain most of the O3 variability captured by IASI and […]


Influence of the Saharan heat low on the North Atlantic humidity budget deduced from IASI isotopic observations

δD (isotopic ratio of HDO to H2O) observations derived from IASI measurements above the North Atlantic reveal the influence of the surface heating over Sahara in controlling the humidity budget above the Atlantic Lacour et al. (2017). The added information contained in the isotopic ratio of water vapour allows to clearly distinguish between three different […]

IASI-derived ER[NH3/CO] in tropical biomass burning regions

A recent study by Whitburn et al. (2017) investigates the spatial and temporal variability in the biome-specific NH3 enhancement ratios relative to CO (ER_NH3/CO). They suggest a revision of the  ER_NH3/CO and emission factors for NH3 used in the bottom-up fire models and highlight the need for the development of dynamic ER_NH3/CO in order to […]

Improved NH3 retrievals from IASI

Van Damme et al. (2017) just published a paper presenting an improved version (v2.1) of the neural-network-based algorithm for retrieving atmospheric ammonia (NH3) columns from IASI satellite observations. Two datasets using different input data for the retrieval are described: one is based on the operationally provided EUMETSAT Level 2 (ANNI-NH3-v2.1), and the other uses the […]
